Tuesday, April 4, 2017

A Cheat Week

Hey everyone, I hate to admit that I am calling it in this week.  There has been a lot going on with me this last week.  I have not been able to bead at all this last week.  But I did not want to miss Every Inchie Monday or 2x2x2.  So because of that I am posting the patterns that I have and not the actual beadwork.

For EIM the theme is Parrot.  What a beautiful bird!  The colors are so vibrant and rainbowy!  Here is my parrot.  What do you think?

Also over at 2x2x2 the theme is coin.  How is the world am I going to do that in beads?  Pretty much everything I can think about is not working and then it comes to me!  How about a pot of gold?  They are all coins aren't they?  So that is what I did.  Check it out.  What do you think?

Well, that is it for me.  I do hope that I can get out of this funk and get back to my beads.  Until then don't forget to fly on over to EIM and 2x2x2 to check out the great art over there.


  1. Great idea given the funk!


  2. They will both look fabulous, hope everything sorts itself out for you.

  3. So sorry to hear you're not feeling yourself lately I really hope matters improve for you but your patterns look great - I love them both so clever and even more so to actually bead them - I bought some delicas this week and hadn't realised how small they were so I really take my hat off to you for achieving all you do. And don't feel you cheated - you still had to work out the pattern and sometimes that's the hardest bit - be gentle on yourself you did great x

    1. Thanks Jenny, that means alot. They are tiny arent they! I love them anyways

  4. Wonderful to see the patterns you use

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Your patterns are just wonderful so please ease up on yourself. I was feeling bad about taking the easy route to an inchie when things got busy and my head is overwhelmed. It can be hard when we set ourselves a benchmark and then fully cannot achieve all we wanted, but that's life...your work is just so wonderfully inspiring that I am about to try some beading...so hang in there and be gentle with yourself...Dixx

    1. Thanks so much Dianne. Your so sweet and you made my day with those words
